Tuesday 27 September 2011

Music magazine analysis

Music magazine analysis
The magazine cover, Vibe, offers a great cover with bright colours, which not only excites the reader but entices them too. The visual elements of the magazine are a sign that the magazine is aimed at younger people who are interested in music, this will signify who the magazine is for. The image of the front shows Kanye West, who is a well known artist, whose gestural image could be considered "cool" or "hip" and this most likely was the aim of the people creating the front cover. The icon is the picture of Kanye West, as it is simply him. The picture of him signifies that this article is to do with music because he is well known figure within the music industry. It may symbolise "hip" or "cool" things. The person has also achored the main image with the main article, this is anchorage and they have done this to show the relationship between the two.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Plan for photos- preliminary task

Photo's I intend to take
On Friday I will preferably take pictures of people working within the classroom which shows that the school has a good working environment and shows how they are working well. I would preferably like to get the pictures of a sixthform class working, as I'd like to aim my school magazine at A-Level students, however if this is not attainable I can settle for the lower school. I also would like to get a picture of the school building, I was intending the front, however due to the maintenance on the front I will most likely take pictures of the south building. I was thinking maybe to show the quiet time you can have in our school to take a picture of the library to show how you can enjoy some peaceful time to complete any tasks you have been set.

For the picture of people working in the class room, I would like to have them all fully focused and looking very interested in the subject they're learning, this would be good for a front cover as it shows how they're working hard within the school, which I would be advertising essentially. For the picture of the south building I would like to show how it is new, modern and good learning environment.  I would like it to be sunny, however if it is raining I would work around this. For the library I would like to show someone working hard within the peacefulness of the library.

Monday 12 September 2011